Monday 13 July 2009

Well thats our elderlfower summer bottled...

Guy bottled our final elderflower recipe today - the elderflower & goosebery conncoction. We're not sure of the starting gravity as it was first fermented in the demi-johns and not easy to test but it finished at 1.002. The bottles were primed with 7.5ml of brewing sugar (1/2 tlb spoon) per bottle and it just about made 6 bottles worth.

Ben and Liam popped round at the right time and were present for a cheeky taste - they'll have to chip in here- but Guy reports another lubbly brew, with a definite overtone of gooseberry to complement the elderflower. Wahey!


  1. In I chip... tasted great! Much drier (I wouldn't say super dry, but more of a Chardonnay dry) than the naturally fermented Elderflower sparkling and to my tastebuds smoother and with much more alcohol :-) Not overpowering either and if it improves even more in the bottles then this is a winner for me!

  2. Cheers Ben, its another winner then! Having sampled a bit now I have to agree. Its a tasty brew though for my money I still can't beat the pink stuff. Maybe a tad much elderflower in this one esp combined with the stronger alcohol? Not to be sniffed at though.

  3. Guy thinks we've overshot the taste boundaries - pull it back by about a 3rd and we're there. Somewhat more subtle... not a lot but a bit!!
