Sunday 12 July 2009

The first Elderflower... phew! Thats some strong stuff!!

Well here it is - the first bottle of elderflower no.1 un-corked and dangerous!! Wow it kicks a punch and after one glass I feel a bit squiffy!! Just the right amount of fizz the bottles weren't half as lively as the pink stuff and opened with a good pop, a bit of smoke screen and some rising bubbles but no fountains this time I'm glad to say!
Tasting notes:
Gorgeous!! It tastes very wine like and this ones definitely alcoholic!! If I was being picky I'd say maybe the elderflower is a tad over powering but still pretty yummy and very drinkable. Good thing we like elderflower - we may go for less flowers next time for a more subtle flavour! Its quite sweet still - perhaps a demi sec - but actually about right for the flavour we've got. Guy has described it as loopy juice... whatever is in it certainly goes straight to the drunk buttons!!
Testing the SG was a tad difficult as the bubbles stick to the hydrometer and make it more boyant, however we still came out with a reading of just below 1.000 - thats an alcohol volume of at least 13%.... hic!!
It is a bit cloudy, but only a tad and the best news is that the sediment has stayed but on the bottom too! Thats champagne yeast for you apparently, cheers!!

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