Tuesday 21 July 2009

Guy's Argentinian Shiraz-Malbec bottled

We haven't blogged much about this but Guy's had a Kenridge Showcase Shiraz-Malbec kit wine brewing quietly away in the background for the last little while. Concieved 10/5/09 with a starting gravity of 1.088 and finally bottled today at around 0.995. It's already very drinkable but young and needs to be matured until at least Christmas. 28 bottles to be ferretted away and not touched until then!! Looks pretty smart hey?

Guy also bought a VINBRITE 'Harris filter' to help along the homebrew wine today. Its supposedly a bit more sophisticated than muslin but we're not sure how it works yet - it boasts on the box that filtering ensures the wine is more stable and far less likely to re-ferment when bottled BUT is that a good thing when you need secondary fermentation for the fizzy stuff? 

1 comment:

  1. So many bottles!!! I have room at my gaff if you need me to ferret them away for you ;-)
