Tuesday 21 July 2009

Inspiration for the next brew? Lilac wine recipe

As Guy was brewing away tonight I was driving home, singing along to some tunes in the car and maybe feeling a little melancholy after not such a good day at work... It was a fav acoustic compilation I haven't listened to in ages but I had to do a double take at track 7. I've played this song maybe a few hundred times and never really listened to the lyrics, but suddenly it was right there, the most perfect song to help a home brewer forget a bad day... 

Yup, you guessed it, Jeff Buckley and Lilac Wine with some fabby lyrics... Check this out.

I lost myself on a cool damp night
Gave myself in that misty light
Was hypnotized by a strange delight
Under a lilac tree
I made wine from the lilac tree
Put my heart in its recipe
It makes me see what I want to see
and be what I want to be
When I think more than I want to think
Do things I never should do
I drink much more that I ought to drink
Because I brings me back you...

Fantastic song and a good bit of inspiration... you guessed it, cheered up no end I came straight home and looked this up courtesy of www.grapestomper.com

Lilac Wine recipe

  • 3-1/2 quarts lilac flowers
  • 2-1/2 lb granulated sugar
  • 2 lemons or 12 grams 80% lactic acid
  • 7-1/2 pts water
  • 1 tsp yeast nutrient
  • Champagne yeast 

Put water on to boil while culling through and rinsing flowers. Put flowers in primary and when water boils pour over flowers. Cover primary tightly and set aside for 48 hours. Strain flowers through nylon straining bag and squeeze to extract all flavor, then discard pulp. Stir sugar, yeast nutrient, juice of lemon or lactic acid into primary and stir until completely dissolved. Sprinkle dry yeast on top without stirring or add activated yeast culture to primary. Recover primary and ferment 7 days. Transfer liquid to secondary and fit airlock. Ferment 30 days and rack, top up and refit airlock. Rack again every 30 days until wine is clear and no longer dropping sediment. Rack into bottles and allow to age 3-6 months.

All while having a quick boogie with Jeff of course ;o)

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