Tuesday 23 June 2009

Elderflower cordial recipe

Oooh we're going elderflower mad, I've just picked this one up from a journo at work, non alcoholic but looks refreshingly tasty nevertheless.

  • 25 heads of elderflower
  • 2 ½ pints water
  • 1 bag sugar (1kg)
  • 2 oz citric acid
  • 2 x lemons

Boil water and dissolve sugar and citric acid, once its tepid add the elderflower, chop the lemons, squeeze them and add to the mix. Sit for 2 ½ days then strain and bottle.

Apparently it does sometimes ferment a bit in the bottle and it does sometimes get a bit of sediment in the bottom but its perfectly drinkable all the same. May just have to try a couple of pints to bottle the taste of summer...


  1. hang on...no alcohol?! Sorry I don't understand!?

  2. But Benjamin there are elderflowers on the trees and its calling me!! And it was 10am when I had that conversation, well before G&T time.
